
AMRAP: As Many Reps As Possible (also, As Many Rounds As Possible)
ATG: Ass to Grass
BP: Bench press
BS: Back squat
BW or BWT: Body weight
CFT or CrossFit Total:  Max squat, press, and deadlift
CFSB: CrossFit Strength Bias
CFWU: CrossFit Warm-up
CLN: Clean
C&J: Clean and jerk
C2: Concept II rowing machine
DL: Deadlift
EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute
FS: Front squat
GHD: Glute-Ham Developer (a piece of equipment)
GHR: Glute-Ham Raise
GPP: General Physical Preparedness
GTG: Grease the Groove, a protocol of doing many sub-maximal sets of an exercise throughout the day
H2H: Hand to hand.
HBBS: High Bar Back Squat
HPC: Hang Power Clean
HRPU: Hand Release Pushup
HSPU: Hand stand push up
KB: Kettlebell
KBS: Kettlebell Swing
ME: Maximum Effort ( To Failure )
K2E: Knees to elbows
MetCon: Metabolic Conditioning workout

MOBWOD: Mobilty work; stretching
MP: Military press
MU: Muscle Ups.
OHS: Over Head Squat
PC: Power clean
Pd or Pood: weight measure for kettlebells
PR: Personal record
PP: Push press
PSN: Power snatch
PU: Pull-ups, possibly pushups depending on the context
Rep: Repetition.
RM: Repetition maximum. Your 1RM is your max lift for one rep. Your 10 RM is the most you can lift 10 times.
ROM: Range of Motion
Rx’d: As prescribed; as written. WOD done without any adjustments.
SDHP: Sumo deadlift high pull
Set: A number of repetitions. e.g., 3 sets of 10 reps, often seen as 3×10, means 3 rounds with 10 repetitions each round.
SPP: Specific physical preparedness, aka skill training.
SN: Snatch
SQ: Squat
SS: Starting Strength
Subbed: Substituted
TGU: Turkish get-up
T2B: Toes to bar.
WO or W/O: Workout
WOD: Workout of the day
YBF: You’ll Be Fine


"But what does ROFL mean?" - Hank


Gym Hours:

Mon-Fri: 6/7/8:30/9:30a/12p/4-8pm
Saturday: 9&10am
Sunday: CLOSED